Holidays Are a Time for Thankfulness

in Editorial by

The holidays are approaching quickly. With fall comes Thanksgiving, which brings Christmas and then winter. These holidays are no doubt the best time of the year. It is a time for giving and receiving, a time for family and friends. But as we approach this season, many people are discontent. Whether it be about the election or the stress of schoolwork with exams approaching fast.

These factors are creating a dark cloud over Wesleyan. Holidays are a time for happiness and love, but these elements are making it hard to focus on the joy of the holidays. So this holiday season, take a step back and truly look at everything God has given you. God has given us so many gifts to be thankful for. We have a beautiful school with teachers who care about us, loving families, accepting friends and of course delicious holiday food. Everyone goes through rough patches in their lives. We always hear that God uses the dark times in our lives for good, but do we really listen when people say that? We go through bad times for a reason, but God uses every single part of our lives for a reason, even if they seem miserable at the time.thanksgiving-clip-art

Whatever you are going through, look at these holidays as a time to truly be thankful for what God has given you. Looking at the parts of our lives we are thankful for instead of the dark times will inevitably bring joy into our lives. Whatever burden is weighing you down, know that God is here to help us with those burdens. We should not look at these dark times and think that we have to endure them alone. God is here to walk with us through these times.

So this holiday season, focus on the blessings in your life. Do not get weighed down by the sadness in your life. God is here to walk with us through the worst times and we are not on this earth to walk through life alone.

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