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Unique Journey to Stage: “The Odyssey”

in Fine Arts by

Homer’s “The Odyssey” is making a grand comeback from freshman year English to appear on the big stage – Powell, to be exact. But this year, things are happening a little differently. Going above and beyond to ensure quality, director Steven Broyles contacted the agent of the playwright, Mary Zimmerman, who adapted the epic to the stage herself.

“We’re cutting it down to size so we can take it to One-Act,” Broyles said. “We have to ask permission from the artist.” One-Act is the theater competition hosted by the Georgia High School Association, an event Wesleyan intends to win. The Wolf Players are always looking to impress the audience, and a shortened play length is one aspect that keeps them engaged.

When asked about how he planned to impress the audience, Broyles said, “It’s going to be something very unique. Technology now makes things look very real… this is sort of stepping back from that.” He explained the more traditional, personal methods Wesleyan is using to prepare. The bamboo poles for props, blue lights casted over chairs for a boat in the sea and skill of the actors are all meant to bring back the essence of theater.

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