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Natalie Hamlin

Senior Spotlights

in Senior Spotlights by

Grayson Ragsdale

What colleges are you applying to? Duke, Dartmouth, Davidson, Princeton, Vanderbilt, UGA, Berry and Washington and Lee

Who was your first Wesleyan crush? I’ve been here since kindergarten, and Andrew Sabonis-Chafee was in fourth grade. I didn’t say a single word to him, but I told my mom I thought he was cute!

What was your most embarrassing Wesleyan moment? Second grade. Mrs. Walden’s class. Whenever she was teaching us something, she liked for us to save our questions until the end. During that lesson, I really had to go to the bathroom. REALLY badly. I raised my hand, but because it was in the middle of the lesson. I wasn’t called on. I kept my hand raised and started waving it around a little bit. Then I started panicking. Fast forward a few minutes, I wasn’t called on, and I wasn’t about to just leave the classroom (because I would have to “flip my card”), so I just went in my seat. I sat in the back of the classroom near the in-class sink so no one could see me, and no one knew. I felt so guilty that I got up slowly and got some paper towels from the sink behind me and brought them back to my seat to soak the wetness out of my chair. I did this four to five times with no one noticing. After the lesson I went to the bathroom and partially rinsed my skirt out with water. Luckily, it was the last lesson of the day, so we all just went home. I’ve been at Wesleyan for 13 years, and this story has never gotten out, but it’s senior year. It was time.

What will you miss most about Wesleyan? No question about it. I find it hard to believe that I will find a place again in my life filled with the same amount of love, Christian spirit and sense of community. I love Wesleyan.

What is one thing you wished you had done in high school? Water Polo. Freshman year I told myself I would do it senior year, but you can’t run cross country and play water polo.

What are three things you cannot live without? My sister Holland, my mom and her dry sense of humor, books and music are tied for third.

What was your dream job when you were a little kid versus what is your dream job now? When I was two, I wore my scrubs and lab coat to every doctor visit, and my pediatrician told me I could inherit his practice when he retired. I wanted to be a pediatrician more than anything when I was a kid. Now, I want to be an anesthesiologist. Keep Reading

Wesleyan Service Day Makes an Impact

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Service Day was a chance for all Wesleyan students to get out and make a difference for others. Wesleyan students are incredibly fortunate to work at a school with such a dedicated staff and facilities crew, and the students were excited to be able to give back.

The first of a planned series of annual Service Days offered many opportunities to serve. Omicron Service Society Director Nathan Emmelhainz said, “[Service Day first came to fruition when] Kelsey Rappe came up with the idea (she remembered both 8th grade service day, and the HS service day that her older siblings did years ago). 5-10 years ago there was an annual service day that was a day of no classes for the whole high school.  This was changed with an intent to have service always be voluntary – rather than compulsory.  This year’s event was entirely voluntary, and was sufficiently successful that we will try it again next year.  It will remain voluntary – as an option on PSAT day.”

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