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Grinds My Gears

in Features by

Dennis Stromie

“When I can’t log into Naviance and the password won’t work so they send you an email to change it but that doesn’t work so you just can’t log in at all.”

Megan Trotter

“The little ends of notebook paper that fall on the floor, Doritos crumbs crushed into carpets, unfluffed pillows, uncapped dry erase markers and moldy lunchboxes.”

Griffin Massey (12th grade)

“When people turn on the blinker for just too long then you don’t know when they’re actually turning.”

Ryan Gomes (12th grade)

“People who go 50 and below in the left lane of 141. It’s the passing/fast lane, it’s ridiculous, just go 60. Then, they honk at you like you’re the devil because you’re a teenager even though you’re not the one looking weird in the left lane. Go 60-65 if you’re in the left lane, or don’t drive at all. Come find me if you’re the fool in the left lane.”

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