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peer groups

Freshman Retreat: The Start to a Great School Year

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As a Wesleyan tradition, before the start of the school year, the freshman class travels to Carolina Point, North Carolina to get to know their peer leaders and new classmates coming to Wesleyan. This year 26 peer parents, along with high school teachers, traveled with the biggest freshman class to help them make friends while also assuring them that the next four years at Wesleyan will be fun and exciting.

Some of the fun activities the class of 2022 and their peer parents got to do were paddle boarding, go carting, basketball and a big crowd favorite, field day. Freshman Gabby Oakes said, “My favorite thing on the Freshman Retreat was our grade wide shaving cream fight.” In addition to the grade wide activities, peer parents and peer kids enjoyed spending personal time with each other to talk and play games. Senior peer leader Chloe Hangartner said, “My favorite game to play with my peer kids was Psychiatrist.”

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Peer Group Check-In

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Peer Groups are a long standing tradition dating back to 2000. The Green & Gold asked a freshmen from each of the twelve groups the following questions to check in on how they have gone so far.

  1. What is your favorite part of peer groups?
  2. What have peer groups done for you?
  3. Has your experience helped you this year?

Sophie Parsonnet (Parents: Hannah Peterson & Chris Middleton)-

  1. My favorite part about peer groups is when we do “family” outings together somewhere out of school.
  2. Peer groups has made me reach out to other students in my grade that I may have not talked to as much.
  3. Yes this experience has helped me so much this year because it lets me get to know the seniors better and not be as scared of them as I would be.

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