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2019 Mission Trip

Wesleyan’s Mission Trip Team Serves in South Africa

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The Wesleyan Mission Trip team has been serving in South Africa for years and each year the trip impacts even more people than before. This year’s team, led by Mr. Lisson, Dr. Pinkett-Smith, Mrs. Hemken, Mr. Russell and Ms. Stephenson, traveled from Atlanta to Johannesburg for a two week trip filled with service.

When they arrived in Johannesburg, they stayed at an organization called Impact Africa, which provides ministry and creates jobs for local South Africans. From the start, they knew their trip was going to be extremely beneficial both for them and the people they were serving.

The many activities and worship sessions kept the team busy for the whole trip. While in Johannesburg, the team walked through townships, shared the gospel with people, played with different groups of preschool children and run two days of Vacation Bible School. Many students’ favorite moments came from their time at VBS. Junior Sydney Stirling said, “Doing VBS for the community was definitely a high point from my trip, and I will never forget the joy I brought to them.” Lisson said, “I think the highlight for me was a worship night we had on Wednesday night. It was the first moment I realized just how far we had come in the few days we had been together.”

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2019 Mission Trips Announced

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Next Spring Break, 200 or more high school students and teachers will embark on life-changing trips, but the preparation and anticipation for the upcoming missions season begins in early fall.

The Wesleyan Missions Program is a very special aspect of the community that brings everyone together. From donations, to faculty members leading trips, to lower and middle school students praying and supporting teams, to high school students that give up their Spring Break to serve others.

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