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Senior Spotlight

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Haley Badciong

What colleges are you applying to? I’m going to Auburn next year.

Who was your first Wesleyan crush? Josh Price.

What was your most embarrassing Wesleyan moment? Sophomore year at a football game, I was in the middle of tumbling in front of the run-through banner, and the football team ran though earlier than we expected so I was not out of the way yet, and then I ended up running in the middle of a group of football players the rest of the way to cause less chaos… it was so scary.

What will you miss most about Wesleyan? The community.

What is one thing you wished you had done in High School? Diving.

What are three things you cannot live without? Music, strawberries and blankets.

What was your dream job when you were a little kid versus what is your dream job now? When I was little I thought I could be a cheerleader my whole life, so that was my dream job, but then I realized that that is not possible, so I decided my dream jobs were to be a teacher and a cheerleading coach. Now my dream jobs are a physical/occupational therapist and a special ed teacher. Keep Reading

Wesleyan Service Day Makes an Impact

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Service Day was a chance for all Wesleyan students to get out and make a difference for others. Wesleyan students are incredibly fortunate to work at a school with such a dedicated staff and facilities crew, and the students were excited to be able to give back.

The first of a planned series of annual Service Days offered many opportunities to serve. Omicron Service Society Director Nathan Emmelhainz said, “[Service Day first came to fruition when] Kelsey Rappe came up with the idea (she remembered both 8th grade service day, and the HS service day that her older siblings did years ago). 5-10 years ago there was an annual service day that was a day of no classes for the whole high school.  This was changed with an intent to have service always be voluntary – rather than compulsory.  This year’s event was entirely voluntary, and was sufficiently successful that we will try it again next year.  It will remain voluntary – as an option on PSAT day.”

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Heartbroken to Healed: Wesleyan Finds Love with Blackbaud

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While many students were eagerly awaiting the drama and romance of weekly episodes of ABC’s “The Bachelorette” this summer, a juicy new relationship was formed in Wesleyan cyberspace, unbeknownst to many. Over the last few months, hearts were broken and re-healed as Wesleyan technology went from an ugly, but necessary breakup with PowerSchool to finding love again with the advanced, all-in-one system that is Blackbaud.

As many people know, the Wesleyan community was having serious issues with PowerSchool towards the end of last year, as frustrations rose with its secrecy and continuous problems. Not only was the popular grading website hiding secrets from students such as their current and past GPAs, but it was simply unable to offer adequate information and conversation.

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The Truth About Going Vegan

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Veganism is not just a way of eating, but it is a philosophy people live by in order to exclude “all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. In dietary terms, it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.” In 1806, when the earliest concepts of veganism were formed with the help of Dr. William Lambe and Percy Bysshe Shelley. They believed that eggs and dairy were not important to their diet. Veganism is an extreme form of vegetarianism that was officially formed in Nov. 1944 by Donald Watson who met with other non-dairy vegetarians to discuss their lifestyle and felt that a new word was required to describe them. They wanted something crisper than ‘non-dairy vegetarians’ so they settled on ‘vegan’ shrinking the word ‘vegetarian’ to the first three and the last two letters.  Donald Watson said, “This is the beginning and end of vegetarian.” Veganism wanted “to seek an end to the use of animals by man for food, commodities, work, hunting, vivisection, and by all other uses involving exploitation of animal life by man” because they felt that too many animals were being abused due to humans eating them or using their harvests. Sophomore Bekah Ford said, “I’ve been a vegan for nearly two years now. I’ve seen a lot of different examples of how badly animals are treated, and it keeps me on the right path.” Keep Reading

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