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Deck the Malls: A Black Friday Guide

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As the tail end of November rolls around, students, faculty and parents run frantically around stores trying to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones. However, angry mobs of people can make joyful holiday shopping turn into a tragic affair. A series of unfortunate events on Black Friday can be avoided, so continue reading to dodge this misfortune.

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Wesleyan Service Day Makes an Impact

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Service Day was a chance for all Wesleyan students to get out and make a difference for others. Wesleyan students are incredibly fortunate to work at a school with such a dedicated staff and facilities crew, and the students were excited to be able to give back.

The first of a planned series of annual Service Days offered many opportunities to serve. Omicron Service Society Director Nathan Emmelhainz said, “[Service Day first came to fruition when] Kelsey Rappe came up with the idea (she remembered both 8th grade service day, and the HS service day that her older siblings did years ago). 5-10 years ago there was an annual service day that was a day of no classes for the whole high school.  This was changed with an intent to have service always be voluntary – rather than compulsory.  This year’s event was entirely voluntary, and was sufficiently successful that we will try it again next year.  It will remain voluntary – as an option on PSAT day.”

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Leaves Fall and Activities Rise

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When summer spirits start to fall as the warm weather recedes, they are revived by the numerous exciting activities that fall has in store. Autumn weather begins the era of corn mazes, hay rides and haunted houses. So, put on your comfy sweater, grab some apple cider and enjoy the sounds of a crackling campfire with friends. Keep Reading

Senior Spotlights

in Senior Spotlights by

Peter Hess

  1. What colleges are you applying to? Auburn, Clemson, Georgia and Georgia Tech.
  2. Who was your first Wesleyan crush? Olivia Frye.
  3. What was your most embarrassing Wesleyan moment? I accidentally said my name was Daniel Salyers when I hosted a pep rally with Daniel junior year.
  4. What will you miss most about Wesleyan? I will miss seeing all my friends and teachers that I’ve grown close with.
  5. What is one thing you wished you had done in High School? I wish I applied for Peer Leadership.
  6. What are three things you cannot live without? My family, sports and my phone.
  7. What was your dream job when you were a little kid versus what is your dream job now? When I was a kid I wanted to be a soldier, but now I want to be an owner of an NFL Team (preferably the Falcons).

Molly Bradach

  1. What colleges are you applying to? I am attending Wofford.
  2. Who was your first Wesleyan crush? Tommy Wagner.
  3. What was your most embarrassing Wesleyan moment? I always wet my pants during cross country races.
  4. What will you miss most about Wesleyan? The Homecoming Dance.
  5. What is one thing you wished you had done in High School? Track.
  6. What are three things you cannot live without? Camp, laughing and friends.
  7. What was your dream job when you were a little kid versus what is your dream job now? I have always wanted to be a dentist or orthodontist.

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