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Night at the Drive-In: Wesleyan Homecoming 2018

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    Seniors twins Amanda and George Doane get crowned homecoming king and queen at the homecoming football game. Brian L. Morgan.
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    High school girls, Connor Caroll, Kaylynn Kirkland, Paige Wyatt, Alyssa Phillips, Izzy Larsen, Connie Harris, Jernai Kerr, Imani Washington and Jada Richardson express themselves through their costumes on matching day. Brian L. Morgan.
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    A group of freshman, Hampton Huggins, Will Burns, Matthew Brown, Joseph Cook, Grace Elsevier, Emily Godfrey, Lauren Balch and Gabby Oakes pose with their dates before their first homecoming. Grace Elsevier.
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    Sophomore girls, Katherine Murphy, Ansley Morehouse, Alexandra Murphy, Natalie Gross, Adyson Means, Caitlin Kelley, Isabella Martin and Emma Nydam dress up as different movie snacks on Friday of homecoming week. Elizabeth Gross.

Thirty five out of the thirty-six weeks of the Wesleyan school year are filled with countless assessments, Bible papers and piles of homework; Homecoming Week is the one week out of the year where school becomes a little less serious. It is a time where students trade the uniforms for silly costumes and this year, the school went from a normal high school in Georgia to the red carpet in Hollywood.

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