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September 2017 - page 6

Getting a “Handel” on the District 6 Election

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Two months ago, it was impossible to avoid campaign ads if you were anywhere near the 6th district. Everywhere you went it seemed you couldn’t escape this election. No matter where you would go, you’d be bombarded with the sound of campaign ads, phone calls and whatever else they could throw at you. Why was this one election so important compared to the rest of the local elections?

This election was so vital because it would be indicative of what the next four years of life in the United States would be like. Jon Ossoff represented change and the ability for Democrats to oppose what they don’t support in Trump. He hoped to flip the historically Republican 6th District and set an example for the rest of the country to follow.

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Wesleyan Marches Into a New Season

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While a majority of the school was relaxing over summer break, the Wesleyan Marching Wolves marched onto campus to start learning their new music and routine.

Their season began in late July when the band attended summer band camp at Oglethorpe University. There, they began the long and arduous task of learning their halftime routine. An average day at band camp consisted of “waking up at 7:15, having visual practice until lunch, sectionals until break/dinner, and then full ensemble rehearsal until 9:00 p.m.,” said sophomore Skylar Williams.

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New Stadiums Rise Up in Atlanta

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Atlanta’s new up and coming stadiums are taking the community by storm. Over the summer, a large portion of students attended the new Braves stadium, SunTrust Park. SunTrust park opened Mar. 31 2017 for the preseason game against the Yankees.

Junior Luke Schiller attended the game and said, “There’s better food and it’s a much better experience than Turner Field.” SunTrust park does have some extraordinary food options, including First & Third Hot Dog & Sausage Shack, Waffle House, Fox Bros BBQ and many others.

The stadium was completed in March and has been a hot spot for our community ever since. Junior Laura Von Bargen said, “My sister took me to a game and it was smaller than I expected, but it was fun.” Junior Savannah Sommer added, “I can’t wait to go next summer and watch the game from right field; it seems really awesome.” The stadium really seemed to hit a home run with the students.

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Unique Journey to Stage: “The Odyssey”

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Homer’s “The Odyssey” is making a grand comeback from freshman year English to appear on the big stage – Powell, to be exact. But this year, things are happening a little differently. Going above and beyond to ensure quality, director Steven Broyles contacted the agent of the playwright, Mary Zimmerman, who adapted the epic to the stage herself.

“We’re cutting it down to size so we can take it to One-Act,” Broyles said. “We have to ask permission from the artist.” One-Act is the theater competition hosted by the Georgia High School Association, an event Wesleyan intends to win. The Wolf Players are always looking to impress the audience, and a shortened play length is one aspect that keeps them engaged.

When asked about how he planned to impress the audience, Broyles said, “It’s going to be something very unique. Technology now makes things look very real… this is sort of stepping back from that.” He explained the more traditional, personal methods Wesleyan is using to prepare. The bamboo poles for props, blue lights casted over chairs for a boat in the sea and skill of the actors are all meant to bring back the essence of theater.

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Bang for the Buck: Amazon Buys Whole Foods

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Amazon purchased Whole Foods for a total of 13.7 billion dollars on June 16. This acquisition represents a huge step in Amazon’s new approach at creating a grocery empire. Amazon has been trying to kick start their online grocery business for almost a decade but so far have not had much success.

This acquisition of Whole Foods signifies Amazon’s first major step in expanding its grocery sales into the physical world. Amazon has run a few physical stores and has projects such as Amazon Fresh and Amazon Go, but with this purchase of Whole Foods, Amazon gained 460 physical stores, thus taking their physical presence to a whole new level.

This deal with Amazon could be a lifeline for Whole Foods. Recently, they have been struggling with the competition of stores like Costco and Walmart, who have lower prices than Whole Foods, which has been coined “Whole Paycheck” due to their high prices for groceries.

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