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Editorial - page 7

Editorials represent the opinion of the individual writer. The "Green and Gold" welcomes letters to the editor and reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity and content. If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail our staff at .

Recipe for Last Minute DIY Halloween Costumes

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There are many ways to incorporate your interests into an exciting Halloween costume.

Senior Grayson Ragsdale dressed up one year as a Roy Liechtenstein comic book character, which included “a ton of makeup but was super fun.” In addition to the excitement of wearing something that you created, there are many advantages that come with wearing a DIY (do it yourself) costume, and according to senior Sarah Moon, “you can save money and show off your creativity.”

Senior Cassie Henning said, “I love making my own costumes because I can add my own personal flare.”

Major disclaimer: I am not artistic by any means, so if I am able to make these DIY Halloween costumes all by myself, I know that you can do the same. If you are in a pinch on Oct. 31 and have been too busy to create a look that is grandiose and frightening all at the same time, just follow one of the “recipes” below to master the perfect Halloween look. Keep Reading

Netflix and Cooler Weather

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When most people think about October, the first ideas that come to their minds are typically pumpkins and all things spooky.

However, October is just as exciting as Christmas morning for Netflix watchers everywhere. New seasons, shows and movies all premiered in October, and here are just a few that will make sure to keep fans occupied while in a warm sweater drinking apple cider.

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The Old Taylor Can’t Come to the Phone Right Now

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Look what you made [her] do. When a minimalistic, black furry coated Taylor Swift stands above a mound of her old personas, kicking them in the face as they try to reach her, it is clear that the old Taylor is dead, and the new one is here to stay. Critics can say what they want about Swift’s comeback, but this article will have nothing to do with the endless criticizing and nitpicking of Ms. Swift. As a loyal Taylor Swift fan, I pledged my allegiance to the star a long time ago; therefore, my tolerance for fake fans is slim to none.

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Nolan Should Stick To His Genre

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  • yo-3.jpg
    Picture of Tommy (played by Fionn Whitehead), Gibson (Played by Aneurin Barnard) and Alex (played by Harry Styles). Wikipedia.
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    Photo of the evacuation of Dunkirk by

The movie Dunkirk, directed by Christopher Nolan, was a movie about the historical evacuation at Dunkirk, which was the biggest evacuation in modern history where about 330,000 troops were evacuated off the beaches of Dunkirk. In the movie, this portrayal of the evacuation was split into three parts: land, sea and air. Keep Reading

Heartbroken to Healed: Wesleyan Finds Love with Blackbaud

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While many students were eagerly awaiting the drama and romance of weekly episodes of ABC’s “The Bachelorette” this summer, a juicy new relationship was formed in Wesleyan cyberspace, unbeknownst to many. Over the last few months, hearts were broken and re-healed as Wesleyan technology went from an ugly, but necessary breakup with PowerSchool to finding love again with the advanced, all-in-one system that is Blackbaud.

As many people know, the Wesleyan community was having serious issues with PowerSchool towards the end of last year, as frustrations rose with its secrecy and continuous problems. Not only was the popular grading website hiding secrets from students such as their current and past GPAs, but it was simply unable to offer adequate information and conversation.

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