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Wesleyan Transformed Into An Enchanted Forest at Prom

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With the arrival of spring, anticipation for prom started to bloom. On April 13, Wesleyan was transformed into a magical enchanted forest, complete with a dance floor and snacks for students to enjoy.

The prom committee is a club of students that are the ones behind planning prom. The team starts to plan in August. The theme is the first order of business for the committee. “we picked the theme by presenting our ideas [to the committee], and then we all voted on our favorite,” said junior Caroline Willis. After the theme is decided, the “prom com” starts to work on decorations, food and the band. Keep Reading

Wesleyan Bids Farewell to Beloved Teachers

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Wesleyan School teachers have always been a great influence on the community and the student body, so it is always unfortunate to see such amazing teachers leave to continue their journey elsewhere. The teachers leaving after the 2018-2019 school year are Garrett Adams, Jason Scheer and Stephen Mihalko. Keep Reading

Students Serve Over Spring Break

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Every spring break, Wesleyan sends hundreds of students and faculty to different countries and communities around the world to serve on mission trips. This year, eleven trips were sent out to serve. The trips offered included; Atlanta, Bulgaria, Chattanooga, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic Score, Dominican Republic Makarios, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica and Puerto Rico.

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Women’s History Month: Champions of Peace

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As the month of February shifts out of focus, March brings in a new celebration spotlighting Women’s History. An integral part of this month is to show the traits of perseverance, resilience and bravery women have within them.

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Math Department Spotlight

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Andy Randrup –

  1. What Math class do you teach? AP Calculus (AB).
  2. How long have you been working at Wesleyan? This is my first year.
  3. What made you want to be a Math teacher? Math has always come very easy to me. In high school, I enjoyed helping others understand their Math assignment. During my junior year in high school I decided to go in the Army for 20 years and then retire and teach high school math. God had different timing for me.
  4. What is your favorite in-class memory?  I had a deal with 5th period that I would give them cookies if every single student had their laptops open, notes ready and calculator on their desk when class started. One day they did, except Stevie Crawford walked in late, but he literally walked in with his laptop open, and his calculator in his hand.
  5. What is your favorite Wesleyan memory? Pretty much every day laughing with my students.
  6. Most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? Fortunately, I’m too old to really care when I mess up…and when I do, I’m too old to remember.

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