A Glimpse Into Psychology: Uncovering The Truth About Happiness

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    Christian Life Director Greg Lisson holding up the mask of humanity and normal happiness, with the truth existing below the surface. Alayna Fogarty.
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    Senior Alejandra Gleason poses next to the room that makes her happy. Alayna Fogarty.
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    Junior Hannah Sterling holds up a piece of paper indicating what makes her happy. Alayna Fogarty.
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    History teacher Dennis Stromie smiles because he knows the thing that makes him happy. Alayna Fogarty.
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    Senior Ben Connor is pictured holding one of the things that makes him happy. Alayna Fogarty.

Today, happiness is seen as the number of smiles that exist on faces each day. But when the mask is peeled away and the truth remains, happiness is so much more. Regular happiness is temporary, but underneath the smiling mask, one can find the true joy of a human being.

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Deck the Malls: A Black Friday Guide

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As the tail end of November rolls around, students, faculty and parents run frantically around stores trying to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones. However, angry mobs of people can make joyful holiday shopping turn into a tragic affair. A series of unfortunate events on Black Friday can be avoided, so continue reading to dodge this misfortune.

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Cutting Edge Technologies: The Future Today

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Every day, progress is made on projects that turn science fiction into reality. Companies invest in cutting edge technology to gain the advantage over competitors, bright eyed idealists who chase after methods that create energy in a cleaner fashion and genius individuals who toil away to perfect their life’s work. From the first fire to the first lightbulb, innovators have never stopped making life safer and easier for mankind. Technology is what sets humans apart, and as time develops, so do our tools. Fascinating changes are happening in the tech scene and changing how we live our lives. Keep Reading

How to “Make” Someone’s Christmas

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As Christmas rolls around, everyone races to find the perfect gift for their loved ones. However, as high school students, we often have higher expectations for these gifts than the reality of our wallets and schedules can meet.

Senior Cassie Henning said, “Though buying gifts is easier, it often costs more than making them.” Not only is it more cost effective, but junior Chloe Hangartner said that “it’s often more meaningful to my friends to make a gift, rather than buying one.”

Like Henning and Hangartner, over the past few years, I have switched from shopping to creating and it has made all the difference. This holiday season, if you are looking for a gift that will impress, try one of these low-cost, simple DIY (do-it-yourself) ideas:

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Christmas Sugar Cookie Recipe

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    The final product of the decorated sugar cookies. ChowHound.

Do you have your cookies ready for Santa? Here is a tasty and simple Christmas cookie recipe for the holiday season.

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