Wesleyan Celebrates Easter Break

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During the month of April, different exciting events come up such as the high school spring play, prom, the artist market and more. These events increase the enthusiasm of teachers and students as they can see that the end of the school year is near. A big event that not only is celebrated in the Wesleyan community, but around the world, in the month of April is Easter. Keep Reading

Talented Students Showcase Creativity

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Students from Dawson Zimmerman’s Creative Writing Class wrote several works . Here are some examples of their masterpieces. Keep Reading

Fine Arts are Displayed for the Community

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The Art Students at Wesleyan are talented and have showed their talent in many ways: photography, drawings and painting. Here are only a few pieces of several from high school students. Keep Reading

Spring Sports Wrap Up the 2019 Season

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As the 2018-2019 Wesleyan school year comes to an end, spring sports teams are giving their last effort to end their seasons on high notes.

The Girls’ Lacrosse team has had a season full of success with seven seniors leading the way. Freshman Gray Bradach said, “I am 100% going to miss the seniors so much. There are so many of them and they are all such great people and teammates and players. Chloe, Elise, Tabi, Katie, Quinn, Lauren, Anna, and Grace. They are genuinely some of the greatest people I have ever met.” The dynamic among the players is one that will be missed by the seniors and for the underclassmen that look up to the older players. One tradition the Lacrosse team shares is “eating uncrustables before most games,” said Bradach.

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Wesleyan Bids Farewell to Beloved Teachers

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Wesleyan School teachers have always been a great influence on the community and the student body, so it is always unfortunate to see such amazing teachers leave to continue their journey elsewhere. The teachers leaving after the 2018-2019 school year are Garrett Adams, Jason Scheer and Stephen Mihalko. Keep Reading

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